The Trade Show Guy Report
I used to work at a movie theatre back in high school. I did everything from selling popcorn to being the projectionist. I became a big fan of movie posters, which are called one-sheets in the movie biz.
I have some memorable movie theatre stories like…
…catching one of my high school teachers trying to sneak into a double-feature (I finally got my A in Math)…
…previewing blockbuster movies the night before release for staff and friends…
…winning (but really losing) the first and last staff jalapeno pepper juice challenge…
…the Snow Caps Upsell (those candies don’t sell unless you push them, trust me)…
…the tobacco spittle courtesy cup fiasco (it’s worse than you can even imagine)…
…& the Milk Duds Caper (I’d like to tell this one but names must be changed, so look for it in a future blog titled something like “The Junior Mints Caper”.)
Back to movie posters. They are awesome. They are part marketing, part art, they can be classic (JAWS), and they are cool. Thinking back to the industry term one-sheet – movie posters really tell the story of the making of the movie in “one-sheet” – title, main theme, & main players…but at the same time, due to the flat 2-D nature of a movie poster, they don’t give away everything. This is the secret sauce that makes movie posters such a great marketing tool – & they have basically stayed the same for 75 years!
This year we all miss going to the movies. The movie poster marketing is our reminder of how things will be again, “Coming Soon”. What better design than the movie poster to promote our “Coming Attractions”, our “Summer Blockbusters” –ATS VIRTUAL MIAMI – May 25-26-27 and ATS VIRTUAL CANADA – July 27-28-29.
We appreciate the art, marketing, and story approach of promoting our ATS events with a movie-poster style. Our posters might not really have a swimmer about to be gulped up by a shark, but we’ve already seen a moose and a gator make an appearance, we have some cool neon-piped lighting and plenty of creativity. Seems like Dressed to Kill would be a good movie poster for Apparel Textile Sourcing….coming soon?