Articles by Christine Duff
May 22nd, 2018
ATS-M Packed for Trade Show’s First Day!
Apparel Textile Sourcing MIAMI trade show is here! This morning the doors to swung open to the Mana Wynwood Convention doors for the inaugural show. We’ve got China in the house. Also, India, Bangladesh, Turkey, and Pakistan. Also, Mexico, South…
May 20th, 2018
“Let’s Talk”- ATS-M Seminars List
T-minus ONE day until Apparel Textile Sourcing MIAMI! Can you tell we’re excited? And we are, but all you amazing attendees and exhibitors should be too! We can’t wait to see all your smiling faces tomorrow morning for our first…
May 19th, 2018
Lights, camera, FASHION! Are you ready for a three-day extravaganza for all things apparel? We’re excited for business to be done and connections to be made, but the “can’t miss” event will be the ATS Miami Fashion Show. This event…
May 16th, 2018
We are in the age of Amazon. The e-commerce and cloud computing giant has managed to establish itself as the largest information technology company by revenue. But, it didn’t stop there. After successfully capturing the online shopping industry, Amazon has…
May 15th, 2018
Man Behind the ATS Brand: Jason Prescott
Less than a Week before the very first Apparel Textile Sourcing Miami (ATSM) finds Jason Prescott, founder and CEO of JP Communications and organizer of the Apparel Textile Sourcing shows, talking business with Jim Fried of Fried on Business. The…
May 1st, 2018
Big-Name Companies Zara, Gap and more to Attend ATSM
May is finally here and the sun is shining, the Justin Timberlake memes have flooded the internet and Apparel Textile Sourcing MIAMI is almost here! We can’t wait for those doors to swing open to the Mana Wynwood Convention doors…
April 30th, 2018
Trademarking Style: Fashion’s Appropriation and Trademark Problem
Peanut butter goes with jelly, Bert goes with Ernie and fashion goes with controversy. No stranger to the matter, the industry has a hot topic up for debate- the trademark. In a consumer market where buyers associate brands with specific…
April 24th, 2018
Five Years Post-Rana Plaza: What Has Changed?
Disaster struck five years ago when a structural failure caused the five-story Rana Plaza to collapse, killing 1,134 factory workers. To this day, the incident is considered the deadliest accident to have occurred in a garment factory. If the building…
April 18th, 2018
Miami-Next China of Latin America?
For some time now, Miami has been touted as the “Gateway to the Americas. This is due to the fact that the Americas and the Caribbean look to South Florida as their entryway into the U.S for all things fashion,…
April 16th, 2018
Tips and Tricks for Attending a Trade Show
Trade shows are a plethora of vendors to visit, potential business partners to meet and speakers to be inspired by. In many industries, especially fashion, trade shows are a must-attend event. Whether you will be attending a trade show for…